It would appear, based on the experience over the past year, that at a given point in time, CoVID-19 affects a part of the country and not the whole nation. What does this imply for the sharing of resources between more affected areas and less affected areas?

This note expounds on migration to brick-kilns in India, based on estimates from the National Sample Survey (NSS) 2007-08 employment- unemployment and migration survey, and a review of field studies.

Sanitation access in schools is important to keep children, especially girl children in school. It is also important to spread the culture of safe sanitation more widely, especially among the young.

The surge in census towns (CTs) during Census 2011 has drawn a lot of attention to the ongoing and future dynamics of these in-situ urban settlements in India. Using the village level information from the previous and current censuses, the present study attempts to identify the villages that can be classified as a census town in 2021.

The discourses on rural and urban spaces in India in the context of physical infrastructure have divulged their inherent characteristic differences.