Environment minister Prakash Javadekar has made it clear that changes to environment and forest-related laws will not be introduced in the form of ordinances.

One big reason for the long spell of extreme cold weather in Delhi and many parts of North India this winter season -affecting road, rail and air traffic almost every day and claiming tens of lives

Says `no-go' areas would be sacrosanct, except in exceptional circumstances

New global compact to be finalised next Dec must be balanced: quartet

The environment ministry committee headed by former cabinet secretary TSR Subramanian to review environment-related laws and statutes will now also assess the Indian Forest Act, 1927.

Coal miners may have an easier time dealing with the environment ministry, which is trying to relax restrictions and reduce the forest area where mineral extraction is forbidden, but mining firms c

Europe has reached out to India to set aside its hardline stance on climate change negotiations.

The environment ministry plans to further accelerate clearances of coal mining project by assisting miners with a comprehensive list of information they need to provide while seeking approvals to d

Brazil, South Arica, India and China seek to craft a common position for climate negotiations.

The New Year has begun well for Posco India, reviving its dream of setting up a mega steel project in the state of Odisha.

According to sources close to the company, a crucial revalidation of its environmental clearance has been granted. The company had resized its plans in 2013 because of the stiff opposition it faced over a land acquisition in the coastal district of Jagatsinghpur, 10km south of the port town Paradeep, to a smaller plant of 8 mt. In 2013, the Supreme Court had given a favourable judgement clearing the way for the Centre to proceed with allocation of the iron ore mine recommended for the company’s project.
