The question of software patent and its patentability was discussed in June, 2014 by the Supreme Court of the United States of America (USA) in the case of Alice Corporation v CLS Bank International. It has become necessary to view the issue of software patent in a new light as it is observed that there is greater ambivalence in the law and practice of granting patent to computer implemented inventions.

The much hyped ‘stand off’ between US and India on India’s current IPR regime and concerns expressed that India is not fully compliant with TRIPS Agreement is more a myth than a reality. The differences are relatively minor and even though India is in the Priority Watch List of USTR, it is more of an internal alert system within US with no relevance to India or her position in the global trading community or the WTO. In fact, U.S.

Though there are criminal remedies specifically for trademark and copyright infringement the same is not a mandate in case of patent infringement. Article 61 of TRIPS, is the sole article containing requirements for criminal procedures that signatories to the Agreement may implement.

This study seeks to assess the relative impact of patent status as a component of pharmaceutical prices while controlling other market and medicine characteristics on the retail prices of oncology medicines in Thailand. Ordinary Least-Squares (OLS) regression model of log prices as a function of supply and demand factors was developed and data fitted to establish the relationship and the effects for each factor. The main finding of the model is that patented status is associated with a price of approximately 144-206% that of an equivalent generic.

India is the first country to provide substantial rights to farmers and registration of their varieties for IPR under the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights (PPV&FR) Act. Obviously, in the initial years the filing of applications was slow and inconsistent, and it was restricted to few crop species.

The Copyright Amendment Act, 2012 has been enacted by the Government of India bringing changes to the Copyright Act, 1957. The amendments make Indian copyright law compliant with the Internet Treaties, WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT). The amendments grant performers’ rights to performers. While introducing technological protection measures, the law ensures that fair use survives in the digital era by providing special fair use provisions.

This paper reviews theoretical and empirical literature that originated predominantly during and after TRIPS, focusing on the influence of changes in patent protection on developing countries. Previous studies identify two channels of gain for developing countries, from strong patent rights. Firstly, the promotion channel whereby, patent rights affect innovativeness of the South and concomitantly its economic growth. Theoretical studies do not give unambiguous hypotheses concerning the influence of patent protection on domestic innovation leaving it for empirical investigation.

In recent years, patenting has been considered one of the major drivers for enhancing national competitiveness and most of the advanced countries have been more actively enforcing patent protection. However, the indicators proposed in previous studies have not been able to deal adequately with the various dimensions of patenting, rather focusing on patent application counts. Therefore, in this research, a comprehensive patent performance indicator is proposed to provide a yardstick by which government policymakers can evaluate the whole process of converting patents into economic assets.

The present study tries to explore the factors that influence the growth, performance, and development of IPR attitude of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector of Punjab. The aim of the present research is to examine the technology management strategies of manufacturing SMEs, primarily on the basis of use-based classification.

Actors at the local, national and global level, through their policies, institutional structure and processes, influence livelihood decisions irrespective of geographical setting. The introduction of intellectual property rights (IPR) under the WTO regime demonstrates how decisions taken at an international level affect millions of livelihoods across the globe. This has necessitated national governments to introduce new laws and legislation such as the enactment of Geographical Indications Act of India in 1999.
