A week at the American Academy in Berlin leaves me with two contradictory feelings: One is that Germany today deserves a Nobel Peace Prize, and the other is that Germany tomorrow will have to overc
Major renewable energy companies have angrily hit out at the Abbott government for its vow to maintain regular reviews of Australia's clean energy target, describing the decision as a broken promis
Sea levels across the planet are rising at an accelerated rate, despite previous suggestions the problem may have slowed in the past decade, Australian-led research has found.
A "substantial" El Nino event has begun, raising the likelihood of worsening drought over inland Australia and higher daytime temperatures, the Bureau of Meteorology said.
A clear majority of Australians view global warming as already causing extreme weather events such as storms, droughts and floods and just 3 per cent say "there is no such thing as climate change",
Rena Gaborov was looking for gliders during a night-time survey in the East Gippsland forest near Bonang when she first heard the call. It stopped her in her tracks.
Like a jock beefing up for a big game, some corals could do far better at withstanding the heavy blows of climate change when pumped with supplements, according to a new University of Miami study.
Climate change is a hoax led by the United Nations so that it can end democracy and impose authoritarian rule, according to Prime Minister Tony Abbott's chief business adviser.