Nuclear power generation in Japan will cost 10.3 yen per kilowatt hour or more by 2030, the cheapest among various power sources, according to a government report.

Germany can switch its power supply to rely mostly on renewables while keeping consumer bills little changed because wind and solar plants are producing electricity at ever-lower cost, a study show

A third financier, Woodsford Litigation Funding, has disavowed its investment in an American attorney's long-running Ecuador lawsuit

Hong Kong’s historic double-decker trams are not just one of the city’s most popular tourist attractions, they are also one of its most hazardous.

Germany’s cost of producing solar energy has shrunk to about a third of the price households pay for power after the nation made developers compete for subsidies.

Researchers affiliated with China’s central bank have proposed creating a China Ecological Development Bank with at least 100 billion yuan ($16 billion) in capital as part of a broad plan to boost

How many megacities does China have? The United Nations puts it at six. Try 15.

How many megacities does China have? The United Nations puts it at six. Try 15.

Zimbabwe’s capital may introduce a prepaid smart-water system for some of its 3 million inhabitants to help assist in water conservation efforts.

China’s central and western regions had the worst air pollution in the nation during the first quarter, according to Greenpeace East Asia.
