Rhinos are to be reintroduced into Zimbabwe’s second-biggest national park even as poaching of elephants in the Gonarhezhou reserve surges.

Large companies should face hefty financial penalties, equal to those dished out in the banking industry, if they break pollution and environmental laws, a U.K. Court of Appeal judge said.

Cabinet ministers in Japan approved a plan to reduce greenhouse gases by 26 percent by 2030, a goal already criticized by environmental groups as too timid and statistically unsound.

The heads of Europe’s largest oil and gas companies have joined together for the first time to call for governments to agree to carbon pricing at a United Nations-led summit on climate change at th

Investor resolutions urging corporate leaders to be more environmentally friendly in how they run their businesses are being rolled out at a record pace this year for the energy industry.

Prosecutor recommends that Brazilian courts reject $9.5 billion Ecuadorian contamination judgment

India plans to order 80 billion-rupees ($1.3 billion) of sewage plants before next June to clean waste water in 118 towns on the banks of the Ganges, its holiest river, according to the nation’s wa

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis and Prime Minister Victor Ponta clashed over planned changes to a forestry law that have triggered country-wide protests against the possibility of increased defor

A contraption that creates a kind of air bubble that could shield people against as much as 70 percent of the most harmful pollutants debuts next month in Beijing, as China’s capital battles the to

Reduced coal use and other reforms mean China should be able to continue clocking rapid growth while also delivering a modest reduction in emissions
