A RARE moment of triumph settled on Julia Gillard, Australia’s prime minister, on July 10th when she unveiled a plan for a carbon tax to fight climate change.
WHEN asked how he had persuaded Britain’s senior doctors to withdraw their vociferous objections to a National Health Service in the 1940s, Aneurin Bevan, the NHS’s founding minister, replied: “I s
SEVENTEEN deaths, some 1,500 confirmed or suspected cases and hundreds of millions of euros in losses: the outbreak of E. coli infections in northern Germany is causing havoc across Europe.
GERMAN tree-huggers have always hated nuclear power. The accident at an earthquake-stricken Japanese nuclear plant in March added to Germany’s nukeophobia.
A new method of making electricity from sunlight has just been testedAT THE moment, there are two reliable ways to make electricity from sunlight. You can use a panel of solar cells to create the current directly, by liberating electrons from a semiconducting material such as silicon.