Gujarat high court on Wednesday came down heavily on the state government for its proposal to cut trees between Sanand and Nal Sarovar for widening the road in view of fast industrialization in the

The health department of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation has filed 197 complaints of sanitation against various restaurants and eateries in concerned courts.

Over 20k Evacuated As Vishwamitri Continues To Overflow

Our air is becoming dustier, infected and now threatens us to affect out respiratory systems.

Factories In Vicinity Of City Polluting Water Table

AHMEDABAD: A small pen drive can be your personal disaster alert gadget.

State Govt's Autonomous Institute To Rate Gujarat Cities On Pollution

A recent World Health Organziation (WHO) report on ambient air quality has ranked Ahmedabad as the 10th most polluted in the world, in terms of annual mean concentrations of Particulate Matter (PM2

Court Action In Response To Firm’s Plea Over Disqualification

AHMEDABAD: In a major blow to the Gujarat government, the last hope against translocation of Asiatic lions to Kuno Palpur has been dashed.
