Residents of Betul and Canacona claimed to have experienced quivering beneath their feet and it turned out to be true, as the meteorological centre at Altinho recorded an earthquake of less than 2
Panaji: The National green tribunal (NGT) has issued notices to the Goa state infrastructure development corporation (GSIDC), Goa coastal zone management authority (GCZMA) and the Union ministry of
Panaji: RTI activist Sudip Tamankar has moved the high court of Bombay at Goa challenging the state government's recently-announced mining lease renewal policy.
PANAJI: The directorate of health services has succeeded in controlling spread of malaria to some extent, but the mosquitoes are still a threat with as many as 121 cases of dengue reported till Aug
MARGAO: Locals across the coastal belt of South Goa are worried that the damage caused to the beaches due to unprecedented soil erosion will be irreparable.
Panaji: The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has directed the Goa State Biodiversity Board to study the biodiversity of Colva lake through an expert agency and to take a final decision, in a transpare
PANAJI: Climate proofing for existing structures in the city, flatproofing of heritage structures, regulations to protect groundwater sources and emergency infrastructure to cope with flooding were
PANAJI: The public accounts committee (PAC) of the Goa state legislative assembly 2013-14, has alleged a prima facie fraud in the disposal of six hectares of land at Reis Magos, Bardez, which incur
PANAJI: The Supreme Court on Monday directed Goa Foundation to make all the 27 mining leaseholders parties to its special leave petition (SLP) seeking a stay on the high court order on renewal of m