India is blessed with abundant solar energy. Solar water heater system is a technically proven successful application for use of this energy. However the market for the solar water heater is not yet developed fully.

Read this Discussion in Lok Sabha on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, 2010.The bill has been approved after the government agreed to opposition’s demand for strengthening a contentious provision relating to suppliers' liability in the legislation.



The Civil Nuclear Liability Bill, 2010 that got approved in Lok Sabha on Aug 25, 2010 after government dropped the controversial provision on "intent" as a precondition for holding suppliers liable for a nuclear accident caused by defective equipment.

The Parliamentary committee report on

Debate in Rajya Sabha on wind energy.

For progressive improvement in the economic growth of a developing country like India, sustainable energy supply is of paramount significance.

The role of new and renewable energy has been assuming increasing significance with the growing concern for the country’s energy security.

The objective of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) under the brand 'Solar India' is to establish

The Eleventh Plan (2007-08 to 2011-12) sought to build on the gains achieved in the Tenth Plan and shift the economy to a path offaster and more inclusive growth.

In a concerted effort to bring out information on toxic substances and their use in everyday products in the public domain, vis-
