Proposal for a sectoral mechanism for transport as a means to increase the potential for GHG mitigation in the land transport sectors of both developed and developing countries.

This paper provides a brief overview of the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) submissions made by developing countries as of 4 February 2010. Since February 1 submissions are added to the UNFCCC website every day and a number of Parties have stated an "intention? to do so.

This paper provides a brief overview of the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) submissions made by developing countries as of February 4 , 2010. Since February 1st submissions are added to the UNFCCC website every day and a number of Parties have

This guidance has been put together for the benefit of developing country Parties to consider ways in which mitigation actions in the transport sector. NAMAs play an important role in both the AWG-LCA and the Copenhagen Accord.
