The Report Transport in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that was published ahead of the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23) in Bonn, Germany summarises case study findings from rapidly-motorising countries, including Bangladesh, Colombia, Georgia, Kenya, Nigeria, Peru and Viet Nam.

MobiliseYourCity, a partnership among cities all over the globe for integrated urban development planning in emerging and develping countries, has recently issued a publication on monitoring and reporting GHG emissions in urban transport.

Rapidly growing transport activities in urban areas are a big challenge for mitigating climate change. This paper provides a detailed approach for setting-up an emissions monitoring system for urban passenger transport in Chinese cities.

The study on “Financing Sustainable Urban Transport – International Review of National Urban transport Policies and Programmes” authored by Rodrigo Diaz (Embarq) and Daniel Bongardt (GIZ) presents an analysis of a variety of financing and planning practices world-wide in order to help decision-makers identify suitable elements for their local co

This document, developed by GIZ together with the Bridging the Gap Initiative, represents a practical guide for developing country's governments on how to access climate funds for sustainable land transport interventions.

Bridging the Gap has developed a practical guide for developing country governments on how to access climate funds for sustainable land transport interventions. The guidance focuses on climate change mitigation and introduces existing and proposed sources of climate finance in the context of the land transport sector.

Transport is a fast growing sector. A steadily increasing motorization along with urbanization is a trend that can be observed in most developing countries. This and the oil dependence of the transport sector lead to considerable growth rates of carbon emissions. Actions to stop this trend are urgently needed.

This paper provides a brief overview of the outcome of the UN conference and a discussion of the implications of decisions made there in respect to the transport sector, and how transport can play a more defining role in addressing climate change.

This guidance has been put together for the benefit of developing country Parties to consider ways in which mitigation actions in the transport sector. NAMAs play an important role in both the AWG-LCA and the Copenhagen Accord.

This Paper aims at connecting the need for transport actions in developing countries to the international negotiations on a post-2012 climate change agreement. It outlines the decisions to be taken in Copenhagen and the preparations to adequately implement these decisions from 2013.