This paper provides key messages for climate change negotiators and policy makers on the potential contribution of the land transport sector to global climate change mitigation strategies.

The Bridging the Gap report on Transport NAMAs: An Overview by Anne Binsted, Benoit Lefevre, Camille Cauchois and André Eckermann gives an overview of transport NAMA feasibility studies, concepts and proposals as well as recent developments in initiatives supporting NAMAs.

A summary of the proceedings from the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 19) in Warsaw, Poland, and progress on the post 2015 sustainable development agenda and their significance for land transport.

Transport is the primary source of global energy-related CO2 emissions, and the fastest-growing sector. To mitigate a massive potential increase in atmospheric CO2, the global economy must dramatically increase annual spending on low-carbon transport.

Transport is the primary source of global energy-related CO2 emissions, and the fastest-growing sector. To mitigate a massive potential increase in atmospheric CO2, the global economy must dramatically increase annual spending on low-carbon transport.

Bridging the Gap has released a newly updated publication reviewing the NAMA intentions communicated to the UNFCCC from a land transport perspective. The aim of this paper is to provide an insight into the numbers of transport NAMAs submitted to the UNFCCC and additionally some examples of transport NAMAs that are yet to be submitted.

Bridging the Gap has reviewed the NAMA intentions communicated to the UNFCCC from a land transport perspective.

In the lead-up to the Post-2012 climate regime, Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) are increasingly being seen as the framework under which Non-Annex 1 countries are to mitigate their greenhouse gas emissions and to receive international support for their efforts.

The Bridging the Gap initiative and the SLoCaT partnership have prepared a paper summarising the implications of the outcomes of COP16 in Canc

The Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) submitted by non-Annex I country Parties to the UNFCCC had an initial deadline of 31st of January but are continuing to be submitted. There have now been 43 submissions and 28 of these make direct reference to the transport sector. The Bridging the Gap Initiative has analysed these submissions from a transport perspective.
