This report released by NITI Aayog and Centre for Science and Environment documents best practices from 28 cities in 15 states of India. It is a resource for developing cities to get new ideas, learn about the strategies, institutional arrangements, technologies and implementation modalities that have made things possible for some of the cities to emerge as stand-out performer

The Government of India in 2008, formed the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) under the National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) for National Action Plan on Climate Change.

As Eswatini’s population density and rate of urbanization are rising, waste generation is increasing at an escalating rate. In the future, waste management is expected to become even more challenging and expensive for the government, local authorities and urban residents.

A combination of uncontrolled dumping of mixed municipal waste at designated dumpsites as well as at garbage-vulnerable points for decades, aided by flawed laws, has created around 3,159 dumpsites in India.

Glasgow Climate Pact failed to understand that climate justice is the pre-requisite for an effective and ambitious global agreement, said Centre for Science and Environment.

SFD Phase III initiative focuses on scaling up of Shit Flow Diagram approach to bridge the existing gap in availability of data for monitoring safely managed sanitation (SDG 6.2) and improve citywide sanitation planning and effective sanitation investments in urban areas.

We know that climate change is real and urgent. The planet can barely afford any more carbon dioxide emissions. But we need to continue to emit for our survival and development as these emissions are linked to economic growth. What then do we do? What is the carbon budget available to us?

More than 70 per cent of Tanzania’s population lives in rural areas, which depend largely on groundwater for drinking. The country, however, lacks safely managed potable water. The best available drinking water - i.e. uncontaminated and available at the nearest point - is from the basic water services.

Air quality tracker initiative was started in winter of 2020 by the Urban Data Analytics Lab of Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) to understand the nature of air pollution in the cities and various regions of India and how it has been impacted by the extraordinary pandemic year of 2020 that has witnessed one of the biggest disruptions in

That buildings should be well-ventilated is no rocket science.However, the current pandemic and revelation that SARS-CoV-2 can remain airborne for a considerable length of time has given this ancient awareness an urgent appeal.
