India implemented Bharat Stage VI (BS-VI) emissions standards nationwide on 1 April 2020 amidst the raging novel coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) and economic slowdown. It leapfrogged directly from BS-IV emissions standards that were introduced nationwide in 2017 and selectively in a few cities in 2010.

More than 75 per cent of Uganda’s population lives in rural areas and depends heavily on groundwater resources.

Four years after Biomedical Waste Management Rules were notified in India, implementation has improved in certain areas but continues to remain iffy on key parameters. COVID-19 has brought the need for extremely careful handling of biomedical waste into renewed focus.

This factsheet offers a status update on the state of compliance with the December 2015 norms, with respect to particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, and oxides of nitrogen. Compliance with water and mercury norms has not been included in this assessment.

To deal with the sharp economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of India has announced a slew of packages estimated to be about ten per cent of India’s GDP.

A recent study estimates that the world has produced about 8.3 billion metric tonnes of plastics between 1950 and 2015 — 80 per cent of this is plastic waste. A meagre 9 per cent of this waste has been recycled.

Organic and natural farming in India is still at a nascent stage. To scale it up and make it a mass movement, governments at the Centre and in states must take big steps. Mainstreaming organic and natural farming will address the ecological, economic and existential crisis in Indian agriculture.

COVD-19 is an unprecedented opportunity to change the way we travel, make commuting choices, and create inclusive and healthy spaces for overall well being says this paper published by the Centre

In essence, the notion of benefit sharing is recognition of the natural rights of affected communities over mineral resources in their traditional and historical homelands. Communities have a right to benefit first—culturally, economically and politically. These rights can be seen from the prism of both immediate as well as long-term benefits.

Most packaged food and fast food items being sold in India contain "dangerously" high levels of salt and fat in them, according to a new laborator
