The overall objectives of the study was to explore possibility of REDD plus implementation in CFM areas. Furthermore the study assessed the bio-physical potentiality of forests in line to climate change adaptation.
A comprehensive priority framework to support and provide strategic direction to the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, its technical services and agencies for the implementation of Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management (DRM) priorities in agriculture and allied sectors.
This study report `Climate change vulnerability mapping for Nepal’ is a suplimentary effort to the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) process in Nepal. The NAPA was mandated to assess the climatic vulnerability through out the country and also assess the impacts. This report provides information on vulnerability to climate change and its magnitude in Nepal.
Nepal has been moving towards the fulfilment of its commitment to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Since long time, Nepal has been adopting all the decisions emanating from the Conference of the Parties. Nepal has also become party to various legally binding international instruments that are in line with CBD and hence very much committed to meet the international obligations.
The purpose of this paper is to outline the principles of CESP (Community Energy Service Providers) and the issues involved, and to explain the CESP operational modality as applied in the REP (Renewable Energy Project).
The overall goal of this policy is to contribute to rural poverty reduction and environmental conservation by ensuring access to clean, reliable and appropriate energy in the rural areas. In order to achieve this goal, the