A report released by the government details how food insecurity and undernutrition are affecting the people of Nepal.

Nepal is presently making efforts to move out of an extended political transition and has resolved to accelerate its graduation from a least developed to a developing country by 2022. The importance of inclusive growth and human development to sustain peace, achieved after a long conflict, has been deeply ingrained among all stakeholders.

Nepal emphasizes the critical role of ecosystem function for human well-being and economic development, which is reflected in national policies and plans.

With a view to provide comprehensive statistical information on agriculture as well as other related variables, the "Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture, 2012/13" is being prepared and published by the Agri Statistics section, Agri-Business Promotion and Statistics Division, Ministry of Agricultural Development (MOAD). The contents in this edition are Pre estimation of micro (district) level statistics on cereal crops, cash crops, pulses, livestock, poultry, fishery and horticulture.

National Census of Agriculture 2011/12, the sixth of its kind in Nepal is one among the large scale statistical operations of the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). Besides providing information about the structure of the agricultural system of Nepal, it has attempted to capture the production of the major crops for the first time.

Nepal MDGs Progress Report 2013 points out, the Government of Nepal’s commitment to achieving the MDGs, coupled with required policy reforms has borne fruit. Nepal is on track and is likely to achieve most of its MDG targets, despite the prolonged political instability.

In exercise of power conferred by Clause 9.1 of "Renewable Energy Delivery Policy, 2013" approved by Financial and Infrastructure Committee of the Council of Ministers of Nepal dated 2069/10/14 (January 27, 2013), the Ministry has framed this mechanism.

Persistence and Change: Review of 30 years of Community Forestry in Nepal” is the first national study of the impacts of community forestry since the initiation of community forestry over 30 years ago. The study draws on a wealth of data and analysis and represents an important milestone for community forestry.

This report describes the long-term trends of food security and nutrition outcomes in Nepal over the past fifteen years and analyzes various factors affecting the outcomes, offering comprehensive descriptions about the complex and imminent issue of food security and nutrition in the country.

Ministry of Agricultural Development (MOAD), Agri-Business Promotion and Statistics Division (ABPSD), Agri Statistics Section as part of its regular function, has been publishing "Statistical Information on Nepalese Agriculture" on yearly basis with the aim of providing better and useful agricultural information of the country.
