Out of 81624 projects sanctioned under District Mineral Foundation only 22026 projects worth Rs.

Taking note of adverse consequences of retreating of Himalayan glaciers, a Parliamentary panel has recommended the Centre to make adequate financial allocation and infrastructure available for an extensive study of the ecosystem to measure the extent of glacial retreat and the ways to mitigate its effects.

A parliamentary panel has pulled up the government for not taking steps to lower the prices of power tillers and check cartels in the agri-machinery sector. Most farmers in the country are small and marginal, who could hardly afford costly agri-equipment and machineries.

The Standing Committee on Water Resources (2017-18) present the Twenty Third Report on “Socio-economic impact of commercial exploitation of water by Industries.” The Committee (2016 -17) had taken up the subject “Ground Water Scenario, need for a comprehensive policy and measures to address problems in the Country with particular reference to (i

Just 849 of the 8,214 projects under the Watershed Development Component of the flagship Prime Minister Krishi Sinchayee Yojana have seen “official closure” till date says this new report by the Standing Committee on Rural Development

TParliamentary committee on rural development dismissed the central government’s claim of achieving about 84 per cent of the sanitation coverage in the rural areas u

The Public Accounts Committee (2017-18), present this Ninety-First Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) on Action Taken by the Government on the Observation/Recommendations contained in the 17th Report (16th Lok Sabha) on `ultra mega power projects under special purpose vehicles', relating to the Ministry of Power.

The Public Accounts Committee (2017-28) present this Hundred-Second Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) on action taken by the Government on the Observations/Recommendations of the Committee contained in their Twenty-Fifth Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) on `Disaster Preparedness in India'.

Public Accounts Committee (2017-18), present this Ninetieth Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) on `Performance of Special Economic Zones (SEZ)' based on C&AG Report No.21 of 2014, relating to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

India’s ambitious target of achieving 100 gigawatts of installed solar energy capacity by 2022 has received a setback, with the parliamentary panel on energy expressing disappointment with the government’s performance in the sector so far. The committee feels that at the current rate, the target will be very difficult to achieve.
