Healthy water ecosystems simultaneously serve multiple aspects
of human well-being, especially among poor communities living
close to the land-water interface. Ecosystem services have real
economic value today and special importance in mitigating future
problems and economic losses related to climate change.

Healthy water ecosystems simultaneously serve multiple aspects
of human well-being, especially among poor communities living
close to the land-water interface. Ecosystem services have real
economic value today and special importance in mitigating future
problems and economic losses related to climate change.

Good water management is a much broader issue than supply of freshwater to thirsty populations. Ecosystems and biodiversity, agriculture and food security, land use and forestry, human health and sanitation, settlements and infrastructure, industry and energy all depend on good water management.

This report presents a conceptual framework that can be used by stakeholders concerned by the development and management of shared freshwater resources. The objective is to promote the sustainable and equitable use of transboundary water resources,

As governments struggle with a sudden crisis caused by significant and rapid increases in the price of food, a companion crisis in availability of water also threatens billions of people. A hidden problem behind the food crisis is that as much as half of all food grown is lost or wasted before and after it reaches the consumer. And this wasted food is wasted water too. To meet the challenge of feeding growing populations and the global hungry, massive reductions in the amount of food wasted after production are needed.
