The Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – the body widely recognized as the international authority on climate change — give clear evidence of increased warming across Africa. The reports put forward a powerful case that increases in global temperatures are the result of human-induced climate change.

To meet the SDGs Africa will need to raise an estimated 11 per cent of GDP per year for the next 10 years to close the financing gap. Today, Africa’s average tax revenue to GDP is below 16 per cent. Efficient and effective domestic resource mobilization can address a substantial portion of this financing shortfall.

This brochure provides insights into women’s main health issues in Ethiopia e.g. reproductive health; breast and cervical cancer; violence against women and girls, because of the related health issues and HIV/AIDS.

The African Poverty Clock provides real-time poverty forecasts for every country in Africa. It monitors progress towards achieving UN Sustainable Development Goal - to end extreme poverty by 2030. The "target escape rate" tell you current rate of poverty reduction for African countries and the continent as a whole.

The Africa Sustainable Development Report 2018 is the second in a series of reports which provides an integrated assessment of the continent’s progress towards implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the First Ten Year Implementation Plan of the African Union Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want.

The Economic Commission for Africa defines structural transformation as the fundamental changes in economic and social structures that advance inclusive and sustainable development This definition addresses three key questions: a) What is structural transformation?

This report provides an overview of the key macroeconomic and social developments in Eastern Africa in recent years. With the aim of setting the scene for more in-depth policy discussion, it has also reviewed the major structural changes in the regional economies over the past 10 to 15 years.

African Governance Report V examines efforts to improve the governance of Africa’s abundant natural resources, with particular emphasis on strengthening natural resource governance institutions and frameworks for the enhancement of domestic revenue mobilization and engendering economic diversification and structural transformation on the contine

On average, Africa has reached the Millennium Development Goals horizon with remarkable performances in five of the eight Goals, even though not all five were fully achieved.

Despite the recent slowdown of the global economy and the weakening of Africa’s economic performance with the attendant implications for inclusion and sustainability, the long term growth outlook for Africa remains promising.
