In a new report "Equal to the task: financing for a state of emergency in water supply, sanitation and hygiene" consider the financing challenges facing Nigeria’s WASH sector.

The publication - “Health, Safety and Dignity of Sanitation Workers” - produced jointly with the International Labour Organization (ILO), The World Bank and WaterAid - examines nine case studies of sanitation workers in low and middle-income countries, who empty pits and tanks, transport faecal sludge and perform sewer maintenance.

India tops the list of countries with the most number of people living with water scarcity during at least one part of the year, and is facing the worst water crisis in its history, said a new report by global non-profit organisation WaterAid.

WaterAid's report Transforming Health Systems: the vital role of water, sanitation and hygiene, argues that governments must act now to better coordinate between ministries and organisations focused on health and those leading on water, sanitation and hygiene, and ensure water, sanitation and hygiene are properly integrated into national healthc

The paper draws significant inputs and builds on the thematic Sector Financing WASH paper prepared by the Secretariat for SACOSAN VII, Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan.

This report summarises the main findings and recommendations of recent research into the barriers to accessing climate finance for sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in Mozambique.

Food alone cannot solve the world's malnutrition crises but only three countries are looking beyond hunger to the other major driver, according to a global study released.

Corporate water users have the potential to play an influential role in the delivery of Sustainable Development Goal 6 for clean water and sanitation. WaterAid, in collaboration with partners, has developed a report and case studies which analyse corporate engagement on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH).

This briefing note details a human rights-based approach to water, sanitation, and hygiene and lessons from southern Africa.

Across the world 663 million people still do not have access to water; the vast majority of them - over half a billion - live in rural areas.
