Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Dr. Amarjit Singh Nalwa & Ors. Vs. The State of NCT of Delhi & Ors. dated 20/01/2015 regarding illegal activities of felling and cutting of trees, construction of residential accommodation, laying of concrete RCC roads through forest, disposal of municipal waste, boring of illegal
tube wells, burning plastic and illegal mining activities in violation of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 in the notified forest areas of Jaunapur and Dera Mandi, Delhi.

The National Green Tribunal on Monday imposed a complete ban on parking of cars on the road surface in the national capital and directed that any violation would lead to a fine of Rs 1,000.

The National Green Tribunal today imposed a complete ban on parking of cars on the road surface in the national capital and directed that any violation would lead to a fine of Rs 1,000.

Environment Pollution Control Authority (EPCA) has submitted its rebuttal to Supreme Court on MoEF's recent affidavit that downplayed the role of vehicles in air pollution.

A expert committee formed by the Delhi Directorate of Health Services claimed that medically no death by swine flu has been reported in city.

In a significant move, the National Green Tribunal has prohibited cultivation of edible crop on the floodplains of Yamuna here, saying the vegetables grown there were “highly contaminated” and thei

If the National Green Tribunal's (NGT) judgment on Yamuna and stormwater drains in Delhi is implemented, drains, that are eyesore now, will transform to recreational green spaces.

Delhi Development Authority's proposed redevelopment project "Lake city complex" in East Delhi was today challenged before the National Green Tribunal which sought Centre's response on the issue.

With diesel vehicles being biggest source of air pollution in Delhi, noted environmentalist Sunita Narain today said there was a need to heavily tax such vehicles in the national capital.

With diesel vehicles being biggest source of air pollution in Delhi, noted environmentalist Sunita Narain Wednesday said there was a need to heavily tax such vehicles in the national capital.
