Panic gripped Jaiwant village in Mewat today as more than 200 children were reportedly taken ill after a precautionary dose of chloroquine was administered to them in a local government school here

Efforts being made by the local health authorities notwithstanding, Mewat district remains infested with malaria-causing mosquitoes.

GURGAON: HUDA has asked the state government to appoint an independent consultant to audit the water supply needs of the city before it releases extra water for MCG areas.

Dengue is spreading its dragnet in Haryana with 381 confirmed cases and more than 1,300 suspected cases reported so far.

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Khushbu Process & Others Vs. Haryana State Pollution Control Board dated 14/09/2015 regarding polluting industries, Haryana.

The prayers in these Applications are that after serving of the closure order the Applicant – industries have become compliant and non-polluting. They further claim that they have removed all the deficiencies that were pointed out by the inspecting teams. It is also contended that the effluents have been analyzed and they are within the prescribed parameters.

GURGAON: The state transport department has come up with an innovative plan to instill road safety practices among commuters across the state, what with the number of traffic violations steadily ri

Come September 22, the Millennium City will observe car-free day every Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. to encourage people to use alternative modes of transport.

Environmental activists concerned at the degradation of Yamuna river have demanded firm action by the union water resources ministry on the directive of the National Green Tribunal (NGT) to ensure

The number of dengue cases has gone up to 170 in the last three months, with the city reporting 59 new cases in the last ten days.

22 Special New Born Care Units and New Born Stabilisation Units in the state
