The Karnataka High Court on Wednesday directed the Union government to constitute a special task force to find a solution to the man-elephant conflict in Karnataka, especially at Alur range in Hass

To understand the ecological impact that indiscriminate mining has had on the forests in Bellary, Chitradurga and Tumkur, a team led by Dr V K Bahuguna, Director General of Indian Council of Forest

Armed commandos are to be deployed in the jungles of southern India to deter poachers from capturing and killing endangered tigers, state government officials announced on Wednesday.

Bangalore, 4 Jan: Taking cognisance of increasing number of elephant deaths, Karnataka High Court today directed the state and the Union governments to constitute a task force within 10 days to wor

Minister for Forests C.P.

The recommendations of the July 27, 2011 report of the Karnataka Lokayukta for action against people’s representatives and public servants for their role in facilitating illegal mining and export o

Families from economically weaker sections (EWS) in Ejipura have a reason to cheer as the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has finally come out with a plan to construct new quarters for th

Karnataka has sought Rs 2,605.99 cr

Citing that the drought situation in the State is indeed of a serious nature, the Central team which visited the State to assess the drought situation in December has opined that there is no exaggeration in Karnataka’s claims.

The High Court on Monday ordered notices to the State government, BBMP and Maverick Holdings and Investment Company in connection with a petition filed after the failure to construct Economically Weaker Section (EWS) quarters.

The petitioners Meena S and 12 others submitted that the State and the BBMP were trying to involve private builders in the hope for joint venture.

Several important State highways (SH), including the busy Bangalore-Mysore and Kodagu-Mangalore routes, will soon become National Highways (NH), if the State Government has its way.
