Pune: Unlike the grand roadshows and rallies organised by most political parties to seek votes, 43-year-old Anand Vanjape, in the fray for the Pune Lok Sabha seat election as an independent, cycles
PUNE: The condition of two workers affected by Wednesday’s chemical leak at a Jubilee Life Sciences plant in Nira village was critical on Thursday, with one of them on ventilator support.
MUMBAI: In a PIL filed by advocate Abha Singh over denial of use of loudspeakers last year by police at a protest, a bench of Chief Justice Pradeep Nandrajog and Justice NM Jamdar on Thursday direc
OSMANABAD: Rows of mangalsutras, anklets and earrings hang forlornly in Razzak Shaikh’s make-shift stall in Walvad village market in Osmanabad district’s arid Bhoom taluka.
Nagpur: While making plans for redeveloping the historic Futala lake and constructing a road through the lush green PDKV land in Bharat Nagar, the civic authorities seem to have missed out on evalu