As former Atomic Energy Commission chief Anil Kakodkar shared the dais with its current chairman Srikumar Banerjee for the first time in the locality, protesters jeered officials of the Department of Atomic Energy, Atomic Energy Commission, Nuclear Power Corporation and Bhabha Atomic Research Centre.

MUMBAI: All slum families in Mumbai will be eligible for a house, if a proposal moved by the state housing department is approved by the government.

The committee formed to explore the possibility of coastal roads in the city will ask the state government to make Mumbai a special case to relax the stringent norms in the Coastal Regulatory Zone

The Maharashtra State Revenue Department has put in a dissent note against the new Land Acquisition Bill, which has been cleared by the Union Cabinet.

All the 15 accused named by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board in a criminal case it filed against Lavasa Corporation were issued process by the Chief Judicial Magistrate (Pune), Mr N.T.

Mumbai: Chief minister Prithviraj Chavan has decided to approach the Union ministry of environment and forests (MoEF) for lifting the moratorium imposed on clearances to projects in Sindhudurg in t

No reliable historical seismic record in the region before 1800 A.D.

Maharashtra Pollution Control Board had filed criminal complaint

In a move that will initiate the prosecution of Lavasa Corporation, a Pune court on Thursday ordered issue of process against nine directors and six officials of the Corporation.

Ambernath: Two workers died and another two were left critically ill following a leak in a newly-opened chemical plant at the Anand Nagar MIDC in Ambernath.

Mumbai: The stir launched by over five million cotton growers took a violent turn on Wednesday, however, chief minister Prithviraj Chavan has refused to decide on their demand, citing the code of c
