Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje said the scheme would allow patients from lower income categories to avail quality healthcare from private hospitals, which were otherwise out of their reach.
The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has sought from National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) to furnish imageries of the avenue forest, developed by the NHAI along the highways in the period betwee
JAIPUR: Taking into consideration rising childhood obesity, diabetes and hypertension, an expert committee set up by Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) has recommended ban on sale of ju
JAIPUR: The 2nd day of the national workshop on community-based water management dwelt on wide ranging issues from potential of the country's traditional water harvesting system, rejuvenation of me
JAIPUR: After successful implementation of energy efficiency measures in Aranya Bhawan, the Swiss agency for development and corporation (SDC) and Rajasthan government is deepening ties to deal wit
JAIPUR: To solve the pressing crisis of water scarcity in the state, water conservation experts called for revival of traditional water harvesting structures.
JAIPUR: At a time when a large section of population is suffering from anemia, there are also those who are obese and are inviting health related problems like diabetes and hypertension.