Gender gaps in Togo cut across many dimensions. Inequality starts in childhood, when girls are disadvantaged in access to schooling because of prevalent social norms and gender roles.

An analysis of climate finance flows in Ghana shows that an annual average of USD 830 million was tracked in 2019 and 2020. This is a meagre 5-9% of its required investment — estimated between USD 9.3-15.5 billion — highlighting the pressing need to bolster climate finance to achieve Ghana’s NDCs (UNFCCC, 2021).

Climate-induced disasters are causing increasingly frequent and intense economic damages, disproportionally affecting emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) relative to advanced economies (AEs). However, the impact of various types of climate shocks on output growth and fiscal positions of EMDEs is not fully understood.

Research on migration and urban development in Africa has primarily focused on larger cities and rural-to-urban migration. However, 97 percent of Africa’s urban centers have fewer than 300,000 inhabitants, and a sizable share of urban migrants come from other urban areas.

The Government of Nigeria avoided a fiscal cliff by implementing bold reforms, including ending the gasoline (premium motor spirit, PMS) subsidy, and shifting to a unified, market-reflective foreign exchange (FX) rate. These essential reforms entail painful adjustments.

Developing countries spent a record $443.5 billion to service their external public and publicly guaranteed debt in 2022. These costs shifted scarce resources away from health, education, environment and other critical areas, the World Bank’s latest International Debt Report showed.

WWF, the Alliance of Biodiversity International and CIAT, IFPRI/CGIAR and AfDB have released a new report to help African countries to achieve food security and implement climate and nature commitments.

The government of Malawi, under its recent national development strategy and vision (Malawi 2063), plans to transform the country into an upper-middle-income country by 2063. Achieving this goal will require strengthening efforts to foster high and sustained economic growth.

This Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) captures the interplay between development challenges and climate change and climate policies in Mozambique, with the objective of identifying synergies and tradeoffs.

Achieving gender equality in irrigation can result in greater production, income, and job opportunities for both men and women smallholder farmers from diverse social groups, while building climate resilience in sub-Saharan Africa.
