Transferred genes light up the prospects of keeping agricultural trouble makers in control

Increasing livestock in the Asian countries could result In lower foodgrain production

When it comes to high yields and returns, opt for green gram, say researchers

Farmers in Vietnam and the Philippines are literally being taught a lesson. Eager to incr crop yields, they were liberal ia using pesticides to contain leaf dar4 age, which has never

Research has now established the benefits of sea water plants

PREDICTIONS of the Union ministry of agriculture foresee India as the third biggest rice exporter in the world in the next financial year after the us and Thailand. It is estimated that

THE Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) based in New Delhi, is setting its sights higher. Wanting to increase the country's present share of the global agricultural trade from 0.5 per


The people living in the harsh semi-arid mountainous region in Peru's Vilconata Valley are finally savouring the outcome of their labours: the fresh vegetables and fruits which they grew

AUSTRALIA's premier grain growing areas have been invaded by an army of mice. According to Ken McElligot, lands minister of the grain-rich Queensland state, 400,000 tons of the cereal would

The 20 papers included in this book examine 3 issues -- market access commitments, plant breeders' rights and reduction of export subsidies on agro-exports. It has been argued that the
