The Marine Environment Protection Committee of the International Maritime Organization (imo) has recommended tough and potentially costly regulations to curb harmful pollutants emitted by ships.

The Capital Development Authority (CDA) and Midway Consortium decided to launch CNG buses on different routes of twin cities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad. It would make the transport system more effective and would also reduce the commuters rush on the bus stops The commuters were facing difficulties after termination of Varan Tours. At that time Varan was providing comfortable travelling facility to the commuters of the twin cities but the service was terminated due to certain reasons.

Vehicles queue up at a CNG filling station near Sheraton Hotel. This often causes traffic jams on the capital's busy Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue. The CNG refuelling stations in the capital are struggling to cope with the ever-increasing demand for the fuel as conversion of petroleum-run vehicles continues at a very high pace. On average, about 2,000 vehicles are being converted into CNG-run ones every month, and about 92,135 vehicles were converted in 116 conversion workshops across the country until March this year.

This paper reviews the Copenhagen Consensus 2008 Challenge Paper on Air Pollution by Bjorn Larsen, Guy Hutton and Neha Khanna. The challenge paper addresses the impacts of air pollution in both indoor and outdoor environments; however, the perspective paper is limited to outdoor urban air pollution. In this challenge paper, section I provides an introduction and overview of air pollution.

BEIJING'S unveiling of drastic measures, including a two-month freeze on all construction, is an admission that despite spending about $A18.3 billion in the past decade to reduce smog, the Chinese capital's air quality remains a formidable challenge. The tacit admission comes as a University of California report to be published next month suggests that China's carbon dioxide emissions have been underestimated and China probably overtook the US as the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in 2006-07.

Olympics - Beijing Targets Top Polluters In Games Plan CHINA: April 15, 2008 BEIJING - Beijing will close factories and force 19 heavy polluters to reduce emissions by 30 percent for two months around the Olympics and Paralympics to improve air quality for athletes, a Beijing official said on Monday. The measures, which will run from July 20 to Sept. 20, are an attempt to fulfil the city's commitment to provide clean air for the Games, said Beijing Environmental Protection Bureau spokesman Du Shaozhong.

EU Backs Plan To Clean Up Air, Cut Lung Disease BELGIUM: April 15, 2008 BRUSSELS - The European Union approved a plan on Monday to clean up air quality in the bloc, setting limits for the first time on fine particles that cut eight months off the life of the average European citizen. "The European Union has today taken a decisive step in tackling a major cause of environmental and health problems," European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas said.

The us government has tightened federal air quality standards for smog-forming ozone, but not to the extent recommended by the us Environmental Protection Agency's scientific advisers.

Oil, environment, lifestyle fuel Asia's 2-wheeler boom Agence France-Presse . Singapore Record high oil prices, environmental concerns, affluent lifestyles as well as the need to dodge city traffic are driving a boom in Asia's motorcycle and bicycle market, industry figures say. The rediscovery of cycling as a way to keep fit is also helping to boost demand for two-wheelers, those at a bicycle and motorcycle exhibition which runs in Singapore until Sunday said.

Beijing to Close Factories for Olympics Published: April 14, 2008 Times Topics: Olympic Games (2008)BEIJING (AP) -- Beijing will implement a series of temporary measures to stop construction and close heavy industries, all aimed at cleaning the city's notoriously polluted air when the Olympics begin in four months. All digging and pouring of concrete on construction sites will be suspended from July 20-Sept. 20, the city's Environmental Protection Bureau said. Nineteen heavy-polluting companies also have been told to cut their emissions in the same period by a further 30 percent.
