camera traps work well to estimate species diversity of medium and large mammals, a recent study says. Counting the number of mammals in dense tropical forests is difficult and rare species are often missed out. Camera traps offer a new tool for finding the number of large and medium sized terrestrial mammals. But the method is not foolproof and researchers point out the importance of having an

The western Amazon is the most biologically rich part of the Amazon basin and is home to a great diversity of indigenous ethnic groups, including some of the world's last uncontacted peoples living in voluntary isolation. Unlike the eastern Brazilian Amazon, it is still a largely intact ecosystem. Underlying this landscape are large reserves of oil and gas, many yet untapped. The growing global demand is leading to unprecedented exploration and development in the region.

Brazil's environment minister, Marina Silva, quit her post on April 13 in despair over the obstacles she faced in reining in destruction of the Amazon rainforest. In the resignation, Silva said she

Rio De Janeiro: Dramatic photographs of previously unfound Amazon Indians have highlighted the precariousness of the few remaining "lost' tribes and the dangers they face from contact with outsiders.

APPEALS have been made to leave alone the members of one of Brazil's last uncontacted Indian tribes, spotted deep in the Amazon jungle near the Peruvian border. The Indians were sighted and photographed from an aircraft during flights over the rainforest in remote Acre state, said Brazil's National Indian Foundation, known as Funai. Funai said it photographed "strong and healthy" warriors, six huts and a large planted area. The photographs show red-painted tribe members brandishing bows and arrows. Funai said it was not known to which tribe they belonged.

Amazon dam project frozen: A Brazilian judge has issued a restraining order on a controversial dam in the Amazon basin. In response to a suit, the court ruled that the government has illegally

Brazilian federal police said they arrested on Wednesday at least 40 members of an illegal logging operation in an Amazon tribal Indian reservation amid growing concern over destruction of the world's largest rain forest. The operation cleared the equivalent of 70,000 football fields of virgin forest in the Vale do Guapore Indian reserve in Mato Grosso state, the federal police said in a statement. Among those arrested were loggers, highway and military police officers, neighbouring farmers and state civil servants.

The introduction of payments for environmental services (PES) offers an opportunity for traditional and indigenous populations to be compensated for contributing to carbon sequestration in meeting the challenge of ameliorating global warming. As one mechanism among several for promoting biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, pro-poor PES initiatives could eventually be incorporated into an international post-Koyoto framework to encourage reduced emissions from deforestation.

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Protected area systems and conservation corridors can help mitigate the impacts of climate change on Amazonian biodiversity. We propose conservation design criteria that will help species survive in situ or adjust range distributions in response to increased drought. The first priority is to protect the western Amazon, identified as the
