The Andhra Pradesh government is giving forests that sustain tribal communities to the Reliance group of industries for plantations. That, too, with the help of joint forest management institutions. The reason may be more than fund crunch

Exposure to environmental pollutants is known to be harmful to health, in general, and to lungs in particular. In this respect, traffic police are at particular risk due to the nature of their job, since they are exposed to emissions from the vehicles.

Even after 10 years, the joint forest management programme has made little headway

The prevalence of respiratory problems and the ventilatory functions in subjects belonging to three sample areas with different levels of pollution was studied to ascertain if there is any association between air pollutant levels and abnormal ventilatory functions.

The government views goats as the greatest enemy of the environment

Six years ago, the Andhra Pradesh government decided to manage forests jointly with the people. This effort is breaking new ground in Naxalite infested areas of the state

How the Naxalites are taking an active interest in water harvesting

The Andhra Pradesh government has given an assurance that the interests of the small farmers and the landless poor will not be ignored during the distribution of 35 lakh hectares of degraded forest

To meet the power demands of rice mills, a small-scale unit based

...Andhra Pradesh may also ban 15 year old vehicles
