A division bench of the Andhra Pradesh High Court has ordered the closure of six polluting industries in Kattedan Industrial area. The industries are Vijayanand Textiles, Ramachandra Refinery, Anil Refinery, Bhavani Industries, Supreme Pigments and Jayadurga textiles. The closure was ordered on the basis of a report submitted by the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB) recommending action under the Water and Air Act. However, the bench gave the liberty to the APPCB to reconsider and pass appropriate order, if these industries implemented effective pollution control.

This Writ Petition was filed in 1990 in the Supreme Court by the Indian Council for Enviro Legal Action & Others. against the industries and the CETP managements of PETL at Pathancheru and Bolaram for the pollution of the ground water and surface water caused by the discharge of the effluents from these CETPs. Among others, the A.P.

In the 1996 ninth general elections in India, water as an issue figured prominently in at least nine states. Among them all, Nalgonda in the Telengana region in Andhra Pradesh takes the cake.

Forest tracts in Andhra Pradesh are being aggressively encroached upon under the umbrella of political debauchery and official nepotism

IN ANDHRA Pradesh, woodlots maintained by farmers are the venues of social, cultural and religious festivals. In the northeast, much of the cultural life of the people revolves around events in the

A contagious disease, similar to rinderpest and first observed in the Ivory Coast in 1940, has surfaced among sheep and goats in south India

Laundered money will be used to clean slums in 454 towns. Black money to the tune of Rs 63 crore, which was deposited last year with the National Housing Bank (NHB) for immunity under the Voluntary

New instruction methods have resulted in efficient primary schools in rural Andhra Pradesh, posing a challenge to the approaches adopted by the government.

CERTAIN wasps are inveterate nectar thieves. The wily insects sneak through the back door and loot nectar, damaging the flower and reducing chances of pollination and fruit formation (Current

FISH TRADERS of Andhra Pradesh have a good market in far away Assam. Even after paying transportation charges of upto Rs 8 per kg of fish taken to Assam, the traders get to put away a tidy sum for
