Two drinking water lakes of Hyderabad - Osman Sagar and Mir Alam, were studied for their chemistry for two years (1977-78). Mir Alam, the older of the two, showed higher silicate content. Dissolved component formed 91-27% of the total silicate content in these lakes.

Hyderabad Metropolitan Area spreads over 1905 The city has 7 million people. Additional one million people enter the city every day. The central core of the city -- only168, holds 60 percent of the people and 70 percent of the jobs. Though the city’s air pollution shows arrested trend this Southern city is poised for vehicle explosion. Share of car trips is increasing steadily, taking away space from walkers and public transport users. Congestion has slowed down peak hour traffic. The city needs rapid mobility transition. .

18 Sep 2013

Supreme Court order upholds diesel price hike for bus corporations, but ignores the subsidy still enjoyed by cars, SUVs. What happens to the right of the majority to have affordable, reliable and comfortable bus service?

31 Jan 2013

How will solar energy be made to work in India? As I discussed in my previous article there are three key challenges. One, how will the country pay for solar energy in a situation where there is no money to pay for even the crashed costs of installation. Two, what is the best model for the distribution and use of this relatively expensive energy in a country where millions still live in the dark? Three, how should India combine the twin objectives of supply of clean energy and creation of domestic manufacturing capacities?

Pact will ensure smooth supply of gas to power units in Andhra Pradesh

Seeking to end the power woes of Andhra Pradesh and ensuring smooth supply to power plants in the State, GAIL (India) on Thursday entered into a deal with Reliance Industries Ltd.

Hyderabad: The Japanese nuclear crisis has triggered fresh fears among people in Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh where protestshave been raging for several months over the proposed 2,000 MW nuclear power plant.

Environmentalists, local villagers and opposition parties are up in arms against the nuclear power project at Kovvada on the grounds that it would cause environmental pollution and

Decision taken after reports of protests over land acquisition for 2,640-Mw power project.
The Ministry of Environment and Forests on Tuesday directed East Coast Energy to stop construction at its 2,640-Mw thermal power project in Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, owing to protests by farmers.

The ministry, in its letter, said,
