Australian scientists managing the Great Barrier Reef have lifted their emergency response to the highest level following the publication of video footage of damage caused by coral bleaching.

Autumn brings no relief following a record-breaking summer driven by rapid global warming, the Climate Council report says

The Australian government ended its push to log World Heritage-listed forests on the southern island state of Tasmania on Sunday, after the United Nations cultural agency UNESCO issued a report cal

The global carbon cycle is highly sensitive to climate-driven fluctuations of precipitation, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. This was clearly manifested by a 20% increase of the global terrestrial C sink in 2011 during the strongest sustained La Niña since 1917. However, inconsistencies exist between El Niño/La Niña (ENSO) cycles and precipitation in the historical record; for example, significant ENSO–precipitation correlations were present in only 31% of the last 100 years, and often absent in wet years.

Damage to parts of the Great Barrier Reef has worsened, leading authorities to raise the alert to the second-highest level, indicating severe local coral bleaching.

Australia's most newly-discovered spider surfs, swims and can catch prey up to three times its own size.

Queensland faces a “dramatic escalation” in carbon pollution that guarantees Australia will fail to meet even its “weak” greenhouse targets unless the commonwealth sets a price on emissions, the st

Australian researchers say a global tracker monitoring energy use per person points to 2C warming by 2030

Concrete has a crushing environmental impact but Australian-led innovations have the potential to dramatically reduce emissions from its production

Proposed coalmines in Queensland, including the huge Adani Carmichael project, would destroy the majority of the remaining habitat of the threatened black-throated finch, according to research.
