This report analyses the impacts of climate change on eutrophication in the northern waters of the Baltic Sea. Two scenarios are presented. The first scenario, the Climate Change Scenario, assesses the impacts of predicted climate change under circumstances where no additional

The Dutch cargo vessel Probo Koala, which illegally dumped huge amount of deadly toxic waste around Ivory Coast's main city Abidjan in the first week of September, has left Estonia and is now

A recent major oil spill off Estonia's northwestern coast has damaged the marine ecosystem in the Baltic Sea and its delicate bird population, authorities said. The spill was located in the coastal

Lithuania is up in arms against a recent gas pipeline agreement between Germany and Russia. The pipeline under the Baltic Sea would disturb stockpiles of Hitler's chemical weapons lying on the bed of

The Baltic Sea, bar Russian waters, was declared a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (pssa) at the 51st session of the International Maritime Organization's Marine Environment Protection Committee in

at least 37 major cities of Europe

latvia has decided to push for a deal

stringent environmental laws and greater investment in waste water treatment plants have helped to reintroduce grey seals in Poland's Baltic shores. And already the results are beginning to show.
