Bangalore, DHNS:

The 356-page State of Indias Environment Report - Rich Lands, Poor People - Is Sustainable Mining Possible? was released in Bangalore on Monday...

Mining in India (including in the iron ore-rich Bellary district) contrary to the government's claims, has done little for the development of mineral-bearing regions. It has only triggered severe environmental and social consequences, says the latest report of the Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.

M. Ahiraj

Majestic bird on the verge of extinction rediscovered in a region in Karnataka

EXCITING DISCOVERY: Great Indian Bustard in Sirguppa taluk on Wednesday.

BELLARY: The Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps), a majestic bird on the verge of extinction, has been rediscovered in Sirguppa in Karnataka

DH News Service, Bangalore:
Public Works Minister C M Udasi on Tuesday told the legislative assembly that the government will not construct roads in forests as it would be against the forest conservation legislation. However, basic amenities would be provided to the human settlements in the neighbourhood of villages.

Nagesh Prabhu BANGALORE: With monsoon becoming weak and drought looming large over Karnataka, the government has extended the weather-based crop insurance scheme to five more districts, covering 12 crops this kharif season.

Chikungunya and other vector-borne diseases are ravaging our district taking toll on the life of thousands of poor people. But the authorities are trying to underplay the seriousness of the actual situation and have so far done only cosmetic measures to contain the diseases, without trying to find out why this has happened and how to root it out completely from the coastal districts. It is time everyone including the authorities realise that, man and nature are inter-dependent, and we all must show our gratitude to nature for taking loving care of us.

the recently held elections in Karnataka paved the way for several mine owners to the state assembly. Some of them who belong to Bellary district have even got key ministerial berths such as the revenue ministry and the ministry of tourism and infrastructure development.

The Karnataka government has released Rs. 200 crore as special grant for road development works in 114 backward taluks, according to Minister for Public Works C.M. Udasi. He told presspersons on Friday that the special grant would be spent only for road works in the backward taluks as roads were bad there. During President's Rule, the administration released Rs. 125 crore for road works in rural areas and the special grant would be an addition to that. The Minister said the State government planned to build toll roads between Bellary-Mangalore and Bellary-Karwar.

The Survey of India, in a letter addressed to the General Manager, Bellary Iron Ores Private Limited, informed that in the context of border dispute of mines between the Obulapuram Mining Corporation and the company, post processing of field data has been completed and necessary coordinates of data to relay the boundary have been generated.

Exploring the impacts of mining on children in India includes both children working in the mines and children affected by mining, for example, through displacement due to new mining projects or the effect of mining on their health.

This book is a unique compilation of different water conservation and management practices that have traditionally been used in the state of Karnataka. Each practice is simple, low-cost and in harmony with the local conditions. Based on the knowledge drawn from within the community, each article not only documents the practice, but also attempts to explain scientific principles underlying the same.
