Satellite-enhanced rainfall estimation appears to offer an effective and viable alternative means for estimating precipitation. Satellite-improved rainfall estimates for the HKH region delivered in a timely fashion will facilitate the use of regional flood-information systems.

This National Forest Policy is framed at a time of rapidly changing political events in Bhutan. The change in overall governance from monarchy to a democratic governance, continued decentralisation and devolution are themes that will impact on many aspects of forest planning and development.

More than a dozen countries in Asia and Africa have banned China dairy imports, and several others had recalled products by Wednesday, fearing potentially lethal melamine-tainted milk has made its way to their markets.

Here is a list of how different countries are reacting.


The Ministry of Finance has announced that the ministry has no proposal to increase car tax. The finance secretary, in an interview with Bhutan Observer, said,

Thimphu referral hospital detected the first case of dengue fever in the capital in a 63-year-old woman.
The woman was admitted to hospital on September 2 with fever and pain in the limbs. According to health officials, patient was examined twice to confirm whether she had dengue.

Farmers of Shingkhar gewog in Zhemgang are in a state of shock after landslides in the past week washed away about seven acres of cultivated paddy fields in their gewog.

The first incident occurred in Thajong on August 26. A farmer lost about an acre of cultivated paddy fields.
Three days later, on August 29, about four and a half acres of paddy were washed away in Dangapong, below Phungmathang dratshang. Seven households were affected by the landslide.

The shortage of sand from riverbeds is going to grow, warns the natural resources development corporation (NRDC).

This alarm comes when construction owners are already facing an acute shortage of riverbed sans, which is considered better in quality. NRDC believes that, with the increase in construction activities and Punatsangchhu I taking off, the shortage will be felt more acutely.

The Cabinet has asked that the Singye stone quarry and crushing plant at Gidagom be investigated by the anti corruption commission (ACC) on the basis of an Inter-ministerial report.

The Ministry of Agriculture has devised an ingenious indigenous contraption, somewhat similar to a police siren in its function, to prevent wild animals from attacking farmer's fields at night.

The mithun breeding farm in Wangdigang, Zhemgang, has literally jumped from the frying pan into the fire.

Nearly three years after the farm shifted to Zhemgang from Chukha for "bio-security' reasons, the farm is losing mithuns, locally called bamens to wild dogs.
According to farm officials, wild dogs killed eight mithun calves since the beginning of this year. The farm has lost about 20 mithun calves since it shifted to Wangdigang in December 2005.
