NEW DELHI: To address the issue of solid waste disposal in the least polluting fashion, the Delhi Cabinet has approved setting up of bio-gas production facilities that would use bio-degradable waste through the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre-developed Nisargruna technology.

Large-scale promotion of small scale decentralized renewable energy technologies to achieve a part of millennium development goal remained a great challenge until recently.

Anitha Jaishankar AS the government failed to supply required power, the industrial units in Hosur are weighing option to set up captive power plant or purchase power from outside.

The industrial bodies, Hosur Industries Association (HIA) and Hosur Small and Tiny Industries Association (HOSTIA), plans to set up a captive power plant with an investment of `1,200 crore to generate 300 mw power.

Jorhat, Dec.

Extremophile microbes in mud from a frozen Alaskan lake can be harnessed to make biogas.

This publication presents case studies from across the country that illustrate the utilization of renewable energy sources with a wide range of applications across various sectors. 

This report forms part of a project aiming to develop a South-South-North partnership to reshape the impact of a predicted large-scale expansion in global biomass energy use towards greater poverty reduction and maintenance of ecosystem services in developing countries. The consortium of partners represents leading biomass energy researchers from multiple disciplines.

KOCHI: Blame it on the lackadaisical attitude of the civic body of Kochi and the health department of the city. Sheer negligence on the part of the authorities has paved the way for the leakage of the biogas plant at Ernakulam Market.

KOCHI: The lakhs of rupees spent by the Kochi Corporation to set up biogas plants in the city have gone down the drain as the majority of them are inoperative.
