H C Sharat Chandra, chairman of the Karnataka Pollution Control Board, talked of its failures and role in managing waste On waste reduction: India is yet to move towards it. Industries have to understand it is their problem. Initial investment can be taken care of with soft loans but they should at least show interest. The problem is small recyclers and manufacturers are not even aware

One way of managing waste

India has tightened guidelines for storage of toxic industrial waste. But is it enough?

Enforcement and monitoring are the key to safety Having tsfds and guidelines in place does not mean the waste has been taken care of. As the beil accident showed, cpcb

Compact fluorescent lamps have emerged as a viable option to sharply reduce the energy demand for lighting. They are now manufactured by the millions, and the production base is bound to expand as official agencies and State governments scale up plans to replace existing lamps with CFLs. Besides saving power, these lamps also hold the potential to earn carbon credits.

This document presented by the MoEF in response to a recent parliament question focuses on the state of pollution in our cities. Gobindgarh in Punjab has been rated as the most polluted city while Delhi has been rated as the most polluted metro followed by Kolkata.

Lok Sabha question and answer on most polluted cities in India.

New Delhi: Setting a standard for biodegradable plastic bags for the first time, the Central Pollution Control Board has laid down specifications for such bags in the Capital.

Now, these bags have to be compostable and prescribe to the Bureau of Indian Standard of IS/ISO 17088:2008 for them.

Karnataka farmer paid the price for resisting a polluting distillery, sand mining In early mornings, a portly old man would sneak into the fields in Chikballapur

Environment ministry admits bacteria is major river pollutant MAJOR rivers in India have high bacterial contamination, the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests (moef) said in a press release dated December 24, 2008. Yamuna and Ganga top the list of most polluted rivers (see graph below). Bacterial contamination in water is indicated by the presence of coliform bacteria that find

Deadline for disposing UCIL waste THE Madhya Pradesh High Court on December 16 issued fresh directions to dispose the toxic waste lying at the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal. The waste is to be incinerated at the waste treatment site in Ankleshwar industrial area of Gujarat. The court directed the Gujarat government to dispose the hazardous waste by January 31, 2009. The waste has been
