Delhi is pulling out all stops to make the city cleaner and greener before the Commonwealth Games. But one factor is constantly overlooked: the city

The biodegradable polymers could be an alternative to the conventional plastic materials. These polymers being biodegradable can be disposed in safe and ecologically sound manner, through disposal processes (waste management) like

Hazardous Waste generated by the industries can cause environmental pollution and adverse health effects if not handled and managed properly.

New Delhi: Delhi High Court passed the order in 2006 but of the 13 enclosures that were supposed to be made specially for immersions so that the Yamuna can be spared from a religious and cultural onslaught, only one is ready. With Dussehra and Durga Puja only a week away, government agencies are still clueless about who is to take action.

New Delhi: Environment minister Jairam Ramesh on Thursday revealed the blueprint for a new authority to regulate all environmental norms and regulations just like the US

Recognising that the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and state pollution control boards are not working to their optimum level, a draft proposal for creating an Environment Protection Authority (EPA) by the Environment and Forests Ministry was made public on Thursday.

The proposal on creation of an autonomous National Environment Protection Authority (NEPA) by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. NEPA is envisaged to take over the job of giving environmental clearances from the ministry.

Belatedly though, the state pollution control board has taken an initiative to ensure cost-effective use of plastic waste for road surfacing to help find a lasting and workable solution to the problem of non-biodegradable waste disposal. It will not only bring down the cost of tarring but also enhance the durability of roads because of higher binding strength of plastic.

Most popular paints in India contain high quantities of lead, a toxin especially dangerous to children. The Centre for Science and Environment

Common Effluent Treatment Plant Not Complying With Pollution Norms
Harish Joshi | TNN
