A new study suggests the measles shot comes with a bonus: By preventing that disease, the vaccine may also help your body fight off other illnesses for years.
New findings published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives show that babies who are exposed to outdoor air pollution during their first year of life are more likely to develop allergie
Twenty-five per cent of children who visit paediatricians in the city suffer from asthma. Half of them suffer from the disorder because of pollution and the remaining due to genetics.
MUMBAI: One in four Mumbai schoolchildren possibly has poor lung function, according to a multi-city survey released on the eve of World Asthma Day on Monday.
NEW DELHI: More than a third of schoolchildren in four big cities of India suffer from reduced lung capacity, with Delhi showing the worst results, claims a new study whose results could be pointin
Almost 8 million people have been affected by the devastating earthquake in Nepal that killed nearly 7,000 people and 1.7 million children are in urgent need of aid in the worst-hit areas.