Britain will be hit with European Commission legal action for persistently ignoring EU rules on deadly air pollution, a breach which could result in huge fines from the bloc’s highest court.

Fears that climate change is triggering a coffee killing fungus which could wipe out plantations are unfounded, a new study suggests.

Ancient woodland is under threat from invasive rhododendron, experts have warned as they revealed the “aggressive” weed now covers woodland the size of 150,000 football pitches.

It sounds like a pretty 'fowl' suggestion but the odour of chickens could be the key to preventing malaria or even Zika, scientists believe.

Moules-frites and moules mariniere will be largely consigned to the pages of culinary history by the end of the century, scientists have predicted.

Plans for the world’s biggest offshore wind farm have been thrown into doubt over fears the noise of building it will disturb porpoises.

Britain's butterflies, bees and rare birds will be more at risk if the country votes to leave the EU, two of the UK's leading environmental charities have warned.

Britain's butterflies, bees and rare birds will be more at risk if the country votes to leave the EU, two of the UK's leading environmental charities have warned.

Another day, another report telling us that modern life is killing us.

The world’s biggest producer of wind turbines has accused Britain of obstructing use of new technology that can slash costs, preventing the wind industry from offering one of the cheapest forms of
