Diesel car owners have been warned they could face charges for driving in city centres after campaigners vowed to bring a legal challenge to make the Government do more to tackle air pollution.
Millions of people across the world will be classed as living below the poverty line when the World Bank makes the largest revision to its global measure in a quarter of a century.
South African conservationists say European hunters on a "driven hunt" have shot pregnant wild animals which were driven towards them down a fenced bush track.
Interplanetary travel could be a step closer after scientists confirmed that an electromagnetic propulsion drive, which is fast enough to get to the Moon in four hours, actually works.
The 7.0-magnitude quake struck inland in a mountainous area of Papua in the early hours, almost 150 miles west of the province's capital Jayapura at a depth of 32 kilometres, the US Geological Surv
A man from a tiny Pacific island who asked a court in New Zealand to recognise him as the world's first climate change refugee had his appeal rejected and faces deportation.
As Howard Frederick flew in a Cessna low over the scrubland of Tanzania’s Selous game reserve, it was the complete absence of elephants rather than the piles of scattered bones he saw that chilled
Mussels will become inedible within the next 100 years as rising sea temperatures turn the dinner table favourite poisonous to humans, scientists have found.