Africa is facing a critical shortfall in funding for climate adaptation according to this new report, State and Trends in Adaptation in Africa 2022, by the Global Center on Adaptation.

Locally led adaptation (LLA) is an approach which seeks to ensure that local people have individual and collective agency over defining, prioritising, designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating adaptation actions.

Asia is particularly vulnerable to climate hazards including extreme temperatures, flooding, droughts, cyclones, and sea level rise. The most vulnerable communities need financial support to help adapt to the climate crisis – they cannot do so alone.

Reflecting on the past ten years of tracking global climate finance flows, this report presents seven key observations on climate finance in 2011 – 2020 and concludes with key actions to rapidly scale climate finance to the trillions.

This synthesis report on long-term low-emission development strategies synthesizes information from the 53 latest available long-term low-emission development strategies, representing 62 Parties to the Paris Agreement, submitted to the secretariat as at 23 September 2022.

This report, part of the State of Climate Finance in Africa series, provides a deep dive analysis of tracked climate finance in Burkina Faso in 2019/2020.

This report takes stock of countries’ latest NDCs and examines how these commitments have evolved since the Paris Agreement entered into force, identifying overall trends and pinpointing the elements where further action is needed.

Climate finance committed by major multilateral development banks (MDBs) rose by more than 24% last year compared to 2020, according to this 2021 Joint Report on Multilateral Development Banks’ Climate Finance.

The supply of electricity from clean energy sources must double within the next eight years to limit global temperature increase.

This report, part of the State of Climate Finance in Africa series, provides a deep dive analysis of tracked climate finance in Nigeria in 2019/2020.
