Canada's climate is changing, bringing new risks for its roads, buildings, water pipes, ports, and transmission lines. As past climate parameters can no longer be relied on when making decisions related to the design, construction, and maintenance of new and existing infrastructure, new approaches are needed.

Maharashtra faces an increasing risk from climate change which is likely to impact the production of four major crops – Soybean, Cotton, Wheat and Gram, grown in the State, according to a study by the Institute for Sustainable Communities.

This climate risk profile is intended to serve as a public good to facilitate upstream country diagnostics, policy dialogue, and strategic planning by providing comprehensive overviews of trends and projected changes in key climate parameters, sector-specific implications, relevant policies and programs, adaptation priorities and opportunities f

This research conducted by SLYCAN Trust aims to identify key indicators to assess and track the resilience of farming households as well as the impact of risk management, risk transfer, and risk finance interventions.

This climate risk profile is intended to serve a as public good to facilitate upstream country diagnostics, policy dialogue, and strategic planning by providing comprehensive overviews of trends and projected changes in key climate parameters, sector-specific implications, relevant policies and programs, adaptation priorities and opportunities f

This climate risk profile is intended to serve as a public good to facilitate upstream country diagnostics, policy dialogue, and strategic planning by providing comprehensive overviews of trends and projected changes in key climate parameters, sector-specific implications, relevant policies and programs, adaptation priorities and opportunities f

Approximately 30% of the whole SADC region is exposed to a variety of climate hazards and their combinations. High growing season temperatures are the most prevalent (10% of area).

This climate risk profile is intended to serve as a public good to facilitate upstream country diagnostics, policy dialogue, and strategic planning by providing comprehensive overviews of trends and projected changes in key climate parameters, sector-specific implications, relevant policies and programs, adaptation priorities and opportunities f

Climate extremes are a major impediment to resilience of food systems in Southern Africa, where livelihoods and economies are highly sensitive to weather fluctuations.

India is already feeling the impacts of climate change. Heatwaves are becoming more common and severe; heavy rain events have increased threefold since 1950; and rising sea levels are posing new risks as a third of India’s population live along the coast. Low-income and other marginalised groups are most vulnerable to these hazards.
