This case study chronicles Viet Nam’s experiences in conducting vulnerability and risk assessments (VRAs) of selected agriculture sectors at the national level and a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to support sectoral adaptation planning, budgeting, and policy formulation.

This study analyses existing and planned measures to address climate risks and impacts in countries of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF). It assesses the scope, coverage, success factors, gaps, and challenges regarding the set-up and maintenance of financial instruments and mechanisms.

The publication Assessing the Evidence: Migration, Environment and Climate Change in the United Republic of Tanzania attempts to comprehensively address climate change impacts in the United Republic of Tanzania, current mobility patterns and trends, and the possible linkages between them.

This report is the first-ever global analysis of climate risks to cotton production. The study provides a high-level analysis of physical climate risks across global cotton-growing regions for the 2040s. Both environmental and social impacts of climate change will affect the entire cotton value chain and cannot be tackled in isolation.

This report is the first-ever detailed physical climate risk and vulnerability assessment for India’s cotton value chain. The study considers a wide range of climate hazards including thresholds that are specific to cotton production.

To maximize development gains, World Bank projects must consider climate change and disaster risks in their design and appraisal. Buildings could be exposed to heat waves, roads might be vulnerable to floods, and agricultural practices may be subject to drought and pests.

This study examines the negative effects of climate change and how they relate to human mobility in designated countries located in East, West and Southern Africa.

New observations show that the increase in Arctic average surface temperature between 1979 and 2019 was three times higher than the global average during this period – higher than previously reported - according to the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP).

Reforming liquefied petroleum gas subsidies in Indonesia would come with financial, environmental, and social benefits.

This WHO UNFCCC health and climate change country profile for Sao Tome and Principe provides a summary of available evidence on climate hazards, health vulnerabilities, health impacts and progress to date in health sector efforts to realize a climate-resilient health system.
