Special editions of the 6th Conference of Parties (CoP-6) to the United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change (UNFCCC), The Hague, The Netherlands, 13 - 24 November, 2000.
Are the nations of the world serious in their much-touted efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions? Vinayak Rao examines the motives, moods and manifestoes in the run-up to the forthcoming climate change conference in Geneva.
It is in the interest of developing countries to agree to legally binding national emission limits alone to secure their fair share of the global carbon budget.
I spent a week at the climate change conference in Poznan, and realized the world is in deep trouble and deeper denial. Worse, the denial is now entirely on the side of action. It is well accepted that climate change is a reality. Scientists say we need to cap temperature increases at 2
Climate change is real and urgent . The atmosphere at Poznan climate change conferenceis combative and with a difference as the time for postponement is over. Now the warming ofclimate system is unequivocal and there is need to take deep & drastic emission reduction targets.