This season

ISLAMABAD (February 08, 2011) : Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture Nazar Muhammad Gondal on Monday said devastating floods caused severe losses to the economy and destroyed over three million bales of cotton resulting in a cumulative loss of about 1.5 percent to GDP.

Indian cotton was once infamously plundered by the British to benefit their finished goods economy back home. The world-famous Dhaka muslin were woven with desi cotton.

The Bt gene gave cotton farmers freedom from bollworm.

Characterizing the spatial patterns of gene flow from transgenic crops is challenging, making it difficult to design containment strategies for markets that regulate the adventitious presence of transgenes. Insecticidal Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton is planted on millions of hectares annually and is a potential source of transgene flow.

Bt Cotton (insect-resistant transgenic cotton) is often portrayed as that technological revolution in Indian cotton cultivation which has changed the cotton scenario in India and pushed it to higher yields to make India the second largest producer of Cotton in the world.

Long-term occupational exposure to cotton dust containing endotoxin is associated with chronic respiratory symptoms and a more rapid decline in forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1), but the mechanisms of endotoxin-related effects remain unclear. Shi et al.

A DROP in demand for organic cotton in the West amidst an increase in output has forced large retailers to cut consumption.

The basic purpose of this manual is to provide the users of data/information on Agricultural Prices and Marketing with a ready?to?use reference guide on methodological aspects of Agricultural Prices and Marketing that facilitate international comparison and help in aggregation of statistics needed to derive meaningful conclusions.

When it was launched by the Centre 10 years ago, the Intensive Cotton Development Programme came as a ray of hope for cotton farmers in Punjab.
