Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of M. C. Mehta Vs Union of India & Others dated 18/12/2019 regarding review of progress of compliance of directions of the NGT to prevent and remedy pollution of river Ganga in the light of orders of Supreme Court passed in October 2014 and January 2017.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Court on its own Motion Applicant Vs State of Karnataka dated 18/12/2019 regarding remedial action for restoration of Bellandur, Agara and Varthur lakes at Bangalore – preventing discharge and dumping of pollutants, removing encroachments from catchment area and other steps for restoration.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Vikram Ahuja Vs State of Punjab & Others dated 17/12/2019 regarding treatment of sewage and effluents in District Fazillka and adjoining Districts. According to the applicant, large scale discharge of untreated effluents was taking place in the drains resulting in contamination of ground water and affecting public health.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Madhav Das Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 17/12/2019 regarding operation of a cotton mill in district Mathura, as in its process of separation of seeds from the cotton plants, air pollution is caused for which necessary safeguards are not taken. Further, the operation of the mill is in agricultural area, where such activities are not permitted.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Manoj Misra Vs Union of India & Others dated 17/12/2019. This application has been filed by National Capital Region Transport Corporation Limited (NCRTC), seeking modification of the order of the Tribunal of January 13, 2015 and to permit construction in Yamuna Flood Plain “O” Zone for execution of RRTS Project to decongest Delhi by providing public transportation infrastructure.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Raja Muzaffar Bhat Vs State of Jammu and Kashmir & Others dated 16/12/2019. The issue for consideration is prevention of unscientific dumping of waste and encroachment of Hokersar Wetland, Wular Lake and Kreentchoo-Chandhara Wetland in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. Apart from solid waste, sewage was also entering the wetlands.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Kalpana Mallik Vs Aditya Prasad Padhi & Others dated 16/12/2019 regarding illegal construction in the flood plains of River Kapali at Nalanga, District Bhadrak, Odisha. Report submitted by the District Magistrate, Bhadrak and the Odisha State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) states that the alleged building is not in the notified buffer/green zone and the building will not cause any disturbance to the water body or the river bed.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Jitender Dhir Vs Union of India & Others dated 13/12/2019 regarding illegal construction by Delhi Development Authority (DDA) in the area recorded as green belt in Mayapuri, Delhi despite objection of the Deputy Conservator of Forest. Report filed by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forest ((HoFF), Delhi stated that the site was inspected by the Forest Department and bounded by boundary wall. Underground reservoirs had been constructed to replace the borewells. Protected forest area was 5 acres which was not demarcated.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Umashankar Patwa & Others Vs Union of India & Ors. (Earlier titled as D.K. Joshi Vs. Union of India & Ors.) dated 13/12/2019 on the issue of Hindustan Institute of Technology & Management, Agra (HIT) and Anand Engineering College, Agra (AEC) falls within the Soor Sarovar Bird Sanctuary.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of pollution of rivers Satluj and Beas in Punjab, 12/12/2019. Main sources of pollution are discharge of untreated industrial effluents by industries, discharge of untreated municipal sewage as well as solid or other waste disposal either directly in the said rivers or in the drains or the tributaries of the said rivers.
